(Walhalla, SC)-------------------------------------The Great Oconee Clean-Up, a partnership of the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office and the Keep Oconee Beautiful Association, is scheduled for Earth Day, Saturday morning, April 22nd. The Clean-Up is set to begin at 9am.
The Sheriff’s Office and KOBA are announcing that this year, organizations can choose a location that they would like to clean up. The Sheriff’s Office can also provide location ideas for organizations that are interested in participating if they do not have a location already selected.
Any business, civic group, and individuals who would like to participate can contact Lt. Tommy Crompton with the Sheriff’s Office (864-638-4117) or (tcrompton@oconeelaw.com) or Sgt. Charles Mulwee, Environmental Services Deputy, (cmulwee@oconeelaw.com) to register.
Non-profits groups can register for this year’s Clean-Up, and year round as well, with the Sheriff’s Office through the #OurOconee program at www.oconeelaw.com/ouroconee. Non-profits can earn $250.00 for each mile of roadway that is cleaned from litter.
For record keeping purposes, locations where litter is picked up during the Clean-Up will be logged. While supplies last, litter pickup supplies will be provided by the Sheriff’s Office, which will include safety vests, gloves, bags, and litter grabbers.
Sheriff Mike Crenshaw encourages the citizens of Oconee County to make an effort to pick up litter all year round, not just during the Great Oconee Clean-Up. The recycling centers in Oconee County have trash bags that are available for pickup so citizens can pick up litter year round.
Between 2014 and 2022, the Sheriff’s Office Inmate Litter Crew has picked up approximately 351,305 pounds of litter, which is over 175 tons of litter. The Sheriff’s Office Inmate Litter Crew was implemented in 2014.
In 2022, 3,685 pounds of litter was collected under Our Oconee Litter program.