Ashlyn Bailey Miller
(Walhalla, SC)--------------------------------------The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help tonight in locating a missing teenager who left her home this afternoon.
16 year old Ashlyn Bailey Miller reportedly left her home, which is located on Cherokee Lake Road in Tamassee, through her bedroom window this afternoon, according to a family member. Ashlyn was wearing white shorts, a green shirt and tie-dye croc shoes. Ashlyn could be in the company of a friend in a gold or tan Toyota Camry with dark windows. Ashlyn could possibly be in the Stephens County, GA area.
Ashlyn has been known to provide several aliases, including Rhianna, Kelsey, Kenzie and Brooke. Ashlyn is a white female, 5’6” tall, 170 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes.
Ashlyn’s information has been entered into the National Crimes Information Center database.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of 16 year old Ashlyn Bailey Miller, you are asked to call the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office at 864-638-4111. You can also contact Crimestoppers, where you can remain anonymous and all tips are confidential, at 1-888-CRIME-SC or via the official Oconee County Crimestoppers website at www.oconeesccrimestoppers.com.
If you tip leads to the location of Ashlyn, you could be eligible for a cash reward.