Mitchell Montrell Weston

Sarah Francine Deill

Thomas Foye Barron, Jr.

Rodrickus Demale Williams

Justin Mario Wilson

Jackie Lee Webb, Jr.

Amy Deanna Cobb

Jessica Noel Smith

Amber Katlin Boylston
(Walhalla, SC)--------------------------------------The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office, in cooperation with the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, is announcing today that nine suspects have been indicted by a State Grand Jury in the second phase of the ongoing “Operation Rocket Fuel” drug trafficking conspiracy investigation.
In a news release dated May 20th, 2021, the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office announced that 26 people had been indicted, by the South Carolina State Grand Jury, for their alleged participation in a drug trafficking conspiracy operation, known as “Operation Rocket Fuel”, which involved Heroin and Methamphetamine but also other illegal narcotics.
Narcotics Agents with the Sheriff’s Office, along with Agents with the South Carolina Law Enforcement, for the past one and a-half years, have continued their ongoing investigation of individuals who are trafficking large quantities of Methamphetamine and Heroin into Oconee County, as well as the distribution of controlled substances, including Fentanyl and Carfentanil.
Of the nine individuals who have been indicted in the latest phase by the State Grand Jury, seven have been taken into custody and transported to jail in Richland County. The names of those individuals are as follows:
· Amber Katlin Boylston – Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more (Conspiracy); Trafficking Methamphetamine 28-100 grams; Possession of a Schedule III Controlled Substance (Buprenorphine); Possession of a Schedule IV Controlled Substance (Alprazolam); Failure to Stop for Blue Lights; Possession of a Firearm during Commission of or Attempt to Commit a Violent Crime; Trafficking Methamphetamine 10-28 grams
· Justin Mario Wilson – Trafficking Heroin Greater than 28 grams (Conspiracy); Trafficking Heroin 28 or more; Distribution of a Narcotic Schedule II Controlled Substance (Carfentanil); Distribution of Heroin; Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more (Conspiracy)
· Rodrickus Demale Williams – Distribution of Narcotic Schedule II Controlled Substance (Fentanyl); Distribution of Heroin; Distribution of Narcotic Schedule II Controlled Substance (Fentanyl)
· Thomas Foye Barron, Jr. – Trafficking Methamphetamine – 400 grams or more (Conspiracy)
· Jessica Noel Smith – Trafficking Methamphetamine 28-100 grams; Possession of Schedule III Controlled Substance (Buprenorphine and Naloxone)
· Mitchell Montrell Weston – Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more (Conspiracy); Trafficking Methamphetamine 100-200 grams
· Sarah Francine Deill – Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more (Conspiracy); Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more
The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office, the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division are seeking the public’s help in locating the following two subjects, who are indicted by the State Grand Jury, but have not been taken into custody. Anyone with any information on these two subjects, and where they may be located, can submit a tip with Crimestoppers at oconeesccrimestoppers.com.
· Jackie Lee Webb, Jr. – Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more (Conspiracy); Trafficking Methamphetamine 28-100 grams; Possession of Scheduled III Controlled Substance (Buprenorphine and Naloxone); Possession of a Firearm during Commission or Attempt to Commit a Violent Crime
· Amy Deanna Cobb – Trafficking Heroin 28 grams or more (Conspiracy); Trafficking Methamphetamine 400 grams or more (Conspiracy)
The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is continuing its investigation.