Eric Lee Webber
(Walhalla, SC)--------------------------------------The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in locating a missing Tamassee teenager.
Dispatch received a call this morning, at around 8:17am, from a family member of 14 year old Eric Lee Webber. According to the family member, Eric left from his residence last night on Dynamite Road by crawling out of a window. The family member did not know where Eric may be going.
Eric has no scar marks or tattoos but he does have pierced ears. Deputies have learned that Eric did not arrive for school this morning.
Eric’s information has been entered into the National Crimes Information Center database.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of 14 year old Eric Lee Webber, you are asked to call the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office at 864-638-4111. You can also leave a tip with Crimestoppers of Oconee County at their official website: www.oconeesccrimestoppers.com or via the free P3 app.